Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dear Abby article in the New York Times

Sorry guys I couldn't resist posting this:

Dear Abby,

My husband is a liar and a cheat. He has cheated on me from the beginning,
and, when I confront him he denies everything. What's worse, everyone knows
that he cheats on me. It is so humiliating.
Also, since he lost his job six years ago, he hasn't even looked for a new
one. All he does all day is smoke cigars, cruise around and B.S. with his
buddies while I have to work to pay the bills.
Since our daughter went away to college he doesn't even pretend to like me
and hints that I may be a lesbian. What should I do?

Signed: Clueless

Dear Clueless,

Grow up and dump him. Good grief, woman. You don't need him anymore.
You're a United States Senator from New York and a Presidential candidate.
Act like one.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Lord of the Flies Weekend

The trip to Havasupi was one of the best guy weekends I've had in a while. There were dudes in our group from San Francisco, The OC, Phoenix, and of course Vegas. This place is amazing, you hike 10 miles through baron desert and then come to this canyon filled with waterfalls and super lush vegetation (yes I used "vegetation" for lack of a better word). Thanks to Ryan Bunker for the pro photos.

Havasu Falls

The hike down to Beaver Falls

Stubbs cliff jump at Beaver Falls

Mooney Falls (we're on the bottom right)

The Crew

We ended taking the easy way out by taking a helicopter instead of hiking out. From what I hear this is the way to do it anyways. The main reason we took the helicopter out was that Anthony's feet were a bloody mess by the end of the weekend. Maybe Anthony will bring some shoes next time instead of thinking he can backpack 20 miles in sandals. There was a time long ago that it may have worked but the days of your youth are over Anthony, sorry buddy.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Catching Up

The last few weeks has been pretty eventful, unfortunately I haven't been keeping up on the posts. I have a renewed commitment to post at least once a week.

August 31 - September 2

This was the weekend we celebrated the 1 year anniversary and my 29th birthday. We decided to go to Reno for a couple of reasons; it was the weekend that my mom and Eric had the timeshare in Tahoe, and also it was the Reno Rib Cook-off. The place at Tahoe was amazing we kicked back, hung at the pool, and played a ton of tennis. It was great too because we had almost the whole family there (including grandma Joan). Laura and I even got a chance to take a tennis clinic from the club pro. The Rib Cook-off was incredible as always, Eric's company is one of the main sponsors of the event so we had access to the VIP section. Once in the VIP section you can eat all you want of every rib available. I'm sure everyone was as sick as I was when we left.

September 7 - September 9

I was lucky enough to be chosen to be part of the support crew for team Stubbs/Slade in the Logan to Jackson bike race (this is a one day, 206 mile bike race). Anthony and Chad were animals and both had strong finish times. The photo below is one of the most critical moments of the race when a rider went down at Star Valley. Me in the green shirt and Anthony in the black and white, take notice of his blond locks flowing in the wind.

Lucky for other riders Krista and I were there to save the day. We directed traffic and kept the casualties to a minimum. Side note-when the accident actually happened I was in the Star Valley Dairy buying cheese curd (a food of the gods). Krista saw the guy go down and was the first responder. This was just one of the cases that got us to be awarded with the best support team of 2007.

With race ending in Jackson we had a chance to ride the Alpine slides and visit with our good friend Andy that we hadn't seen for years. This was super fun weekend!

September 14 - September 16

Trip to Havasupi - there will be more to follow when I get the photos from the trip.